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服务热线:400-820-2536 |
√ 教练式随堂训练,深入掌握税务筹划方法与技巧
√ 剖析真实案例,获得最具实践性的税务筹划经验
√ 实现从“非专”的财务经理快速转型为“专业”的税务从业者
√ 形成税务筹划知识导航地图
刘先生 Head of Tax 某外资制造企业
√ 针对性授课——了解每位学员的从业背景、所属企业的行业特性/经营模式等。传授以制造业工厂为主的纳税筹划考量及方式方法
√ 教练式讲授——深入掌握税务筹划方法与技巧,完善税收筹划知识导航图
√ 丰富案例分析——真实案例剖析,方式方法在实践中的应用
√ 随堂互动演练——分组讨论,理论结合实际动脑还动手
苏州维信电子 梁先生
迪脉(上海)企业管理有限公司 财务经理
l 了解税务工作在企业中的定位
l 如何更好的支持其他部门的工作
l 税收筹划前期切入点把控
√ 了解你的企业——识别税务筹划的突破口
√ 透视企业不同财务管理阶段的税务筹划
l 从实操角度分析税收筹划的本质意义
√ 税务筹划的最终表现——如何定性定量评估税务筹划的结果
√ 税务筹划的成功要素——如何增强基本功力,为税务筹划做准备
√ 如何从税务筹划的角度给予管理层更优的商业建议?
l 案例分享:如何实现管理层目标?
l 所属行业的平均税负率情况
l 案例解析财务报表中的税负成本
l 税务筹划的各种可用工具和网络资源(国外及国内资源)
√ 梳理企业常见各税种筹划方式:
√ 企业所得税筹划
(限额扣除还是全额扣除 还是不能扣除、财务记账的方式以及科目设置、提前做好各项备案工作、存货计价方法和固定资产折旧方法的不同导致的所得税税负差异、高新技术企业、技术先进型企业、研究开发费加计扣除、即将过期的以前年度亏损的利用、环境保护、节能节水、安全生产专用设备的投资额抵免、残疾人工资加计扣除、外国税收抵免)
√ 个人所得税筹划
√ 增值税
√ 营业税
√ 关税
l 商业运作下的税务筹划方式
√ 企业选址的税务考量
√ 总分公司和母子公司模式的对比和选择
√ 如何决定最优的控股结构
√ 企业整体供应链管理和转让定价安排
√ 如何适用两国的双边避免双重征税的协定
l 案例一:各种交易的定性和归类导致的不同税负
l 案例二:贸易模式税收筹划的切入点
l 案例三:非贸付汇合同审核
l 案例四:供应链筹划(分散式管理到集中化管理)
√ 实践演练及互动问答
第一天 | 第二天 | ||
9:00 | 签到 | 9:00 | 签到 |
9:30 | 一、企业税务筹划前提条件——前战 目的:攘外必先安内 l 了解税务工作在企业中的定位 (税务合规、税负分析、税收筹划、税务抗辩等) l 如何更好的支持其他部门的工作 (CEO,销售,财务,法务,研发,物流,人事,采购等) | 9:30 | 第一天课程回顾 梳理企业常见各税种筹划方式: √ 企业所得税筹划 (利用税收优惠政策开展税务筹划等) 三、企业日常经营管理下的税务筹划方法——实战(续) l 商业运作下的税务筹划方式 √ 企业选址的税务考量 (地方财政扶持、基础设施成本、企业所得税、个人所得税、流转税及附加、地区总部扶持政策、研发业务优惠政策) √ 总分公司和母子公司模式的对比和选择 (M&A相关税务筹划) |
11:00 | 茶歇 | 11:00 | 茶歇 |
11:20 | 二、直面解析税务筹划的筹备要素——备战 目的:了解你的企业、明确商业事实、识别关键依据、辨析税务问题、寻找筹划方式 l 税收筹划前期切入点把控 √ 了解你的企业——识别税务筹划的突破口 √ 透视企业不同财务管理阶段的税务筹划 l 从实操角度分析税收筹划的本质意义 √ 税务筹划的最终表现——如何定性定量评估税务筹划的结果 √ 税务筹划的成功要素——如何增强基本功力,为税务筹划做准备 √ 如何从税务筹划的角度给予管理层更优的商业建议? | 11:20 | 三、企业日常经营管理下的税务筹划方法——实战(续) √ 如何决定最优的控股结构 √ 企业整体供应链管理和转让定价安排 (转让定价相关税务筹划) √ 如何适用两国的双边避免双重征税的协定 |
12:30 | 午餐 | 12:30 | 午餐 |
14:00 | l 案例分享:如何实现管理层目标? 三、企业日常经营管理下的税务筹划方法——实战 目的:开拓视野、拓宽思路、税收筹划技术与方法实质性降低税务成本 l 所属行业的平均税负率情况 l 案例解析财务报表中的税负成本 l 税务筹划的各种可用工具和网络资源(国外及国内资源) | 14:00 | 四、聚焦税务筹划难点,分析企业实操案例——演练 目的:真实案例分析协同随堂互动演练,获得最具实践性的税务筹划经验 l 案例一:各种交易的定性和归类导致的不同税负 l 案例二:贸易模式税收筹划的切入点 |
15:40 | 茶歇 | 15:40 | 茶歇 |
16:00 | √ 梳理企业常见各税种筹划方式: √ 个人所得税筹划 (规避代扣代缴义务风险、准确区分个人所得税应税项目与非税项目、年终奖的税收筹划、年薪制下工资的分配处理、外国人的常见免税项目) √ 增值税(退免税申请、进项转出管理、最小化不得免征和抵扣税额等) √ 营业税 (离岸服务外包业务、技术合同等) √ 关税 (特殊监管区域、加工贸易方式选择、深加工结转、鼓励类项目、自由贸易协定等) | 16:00 | l 案例三:非贸付汇合同审核 l 案例四:供应链筹划(分散式管理到集中化管理) √ 实践演练及互动问答 |
17:00 | 第一天课程结束 | 17:00 | 两天课程结束 |
F-council Finance Manager Tax Training----Tax Planning
Course Description
With all the multifarious taxes and various enforcement regulations being frequently released, especially when there is discrepancy in executive standards of different taxation bureaus, it is very important for the non-tax-specialized finance personnel to timely comprehend the main points of those tax documents and master tax planning methods & techniques in order to help reduce the tax burden & risks.
Based on abundant researches and in accordance with the difficulties &confusions which bewilder a lot of finance personnel, F-council has developed and is now providing a series of targeted tax planning training courses. F-council aims to help expand your horizons and make better decisions through real case analysis.
Course Benefit
√ Mastering the tax planning methods & techniques in depth through constructional exercise
√ Obtaining the most practical tax planning experience through real case analysis
√ Achieving fast role transition from non-professional finance managers to professional tax practitioners
√ Developing better tax planning outline
Trainer Introduction
Specialties: Mr. Liu is a member of CICPA & CCTAA who graduated from Shanghai University of Finance & Economics and got his dual degree in Certified Accounting Management and International Economic Law. As an expert in tax, Mr. Liu is also a staff writer of the Ctaxnews’《Tax Planning》journal.
Practical experience:Mr. Liu once worked for a famous international accounting firm for many years and helped many multinational companies finish projects such as supply chain management, customs & tax inspection and business model restructuring thus he is experienced in tax law & business consulting. He also played a very important role in his clients’ accomplishing tax planning and communication with tax bureaus and the customs. He now works for a Germany automobile accessory enterprise as the role of China tax manager, administrating companies which involve all industries & have a nationwide coverage, which means he is fairly experienced in tax practices all around.
Other glittering: Mr. Liu has long been the tax training officer in his company. Combining his abundant experience in tax, accounting and law with his commercial background, he is capable of providing you practical suggestions & consultancies. In addition, Mr. Liu is famous for his preciseness & logical thinking.
This course as F - council tax preparation training courses have been held many times, each time the curriculum evaluation is positive, popular with students. Lecturer in each course to students before the start of the background and the concern of the research, and pointed to adjust course content, including the hot issues and students concern problem of adjustment, and the latest regulations and tax bureau dynamic real-time updates, strive to course content systemically, pertinence and actual effect.
Day 1
Prerequisites of enterprise tax planning
Purpose: Get the internal affairs properly dealt before taking any other acts
l Understand the position of taxation in an enterprise
l What should be done to support work of other departments?
Tax planning preparation factors
Purpose: Get to know your company better, get clear about the business facts, recognize the key basis, analyze the tax issues and obtain the applicable tax planning.
l Control of tax planning penetration point in earlier stage
√ Know company better—Recognize the breach of tax planning
√ Prospect tax planning in different financial management stages
l Analyze the nature of tax planning in practice
√ Ultimate manifestation of tax planning---qualitative & quantitative evaluation on tax planning results
√ Success factors of tax planning—strengthen your fundamental power and get prepared for the tax planning
√ Making better suggestions for the management layer from the perspective of tax planning
l Case sharing: Achieving goals of the management layer
Enterprise daily tax planning methods--Practice
Purpose: Expand horizons, broaden minds and substantially reduce taxation cost with tax planning methods &techniques
l Understand the average tax bearing rate of the industry involved
l Analyze the taxation cost in financial statements with cases
l Comprehend the applicable tools & online resource of tax planning
l The common taxes planning methods
√ Enterprise income tax
(limit to deduct or full deduction or cannot deduct, financial accounting and subject setting, ahead of the record filing work, inventory valuation methods and different method of depreciation of fixed assets as a result of the income tax burden difference, high and new technology enterprise, technology advanced enterprise claim additional deduction, research development fee, will expire before the annual loss of use, environmental protection, energy saving water, safety in production of special equipment investment credit, disability claim additional deduction of wages, foreign tax credits)
√ Individual income tax
(Avoid withholding obligation risk, accurately distinguish between the individual income tax taxable items and non-tax project, year-end bonuses, tax planning, releasing the allocation of pay treatment, common exemptions of foreigners)
(the input management - the management of the buildings, the input - engaged in the taxable items and tax exemption items of fixed assets, the input from management - transfer the input of inventory loss, the review of the business model - the choice of the mode of processing trade, the latest progress of the cross-border services shall be exempted from VAT and outsourcing of export goods shall be regarded as self-produced goods for export tax refund)
√ Business tax
√ Customs duties
Day 2
Review of day 1
Enterprise daily tax planning methods—Practice (continued)
l Tax planning in business operations
√ Tax considerations on site selection
√ Pattern comparison & selection between headquarters-branches and parent-subsidiary companies
√ How to define the optimal shareholding structure
√ The whole enterprise supply chain management & transfer pricing arrangement
√ How to utilize the bilateral tax treaty to avoid double taxation
Focus on tax planning difficulties and analyze the practical cases--Exercise
Purpose: Analyze the real cases together with plentiful interactive exercises, obtaining the most practical tax planning experience
l Case 1: Different tax burden generated by qualification & classification of all business
l Case 2: Trade patterns of tax planning
l Case 3: Contract verification of no-trade foreign exchange payment
l Case 4: Supply chain planning
l Practices & interactions
客服专线:400 820 2536 | 咨询专线:400 820 2536 |
咨询邮箱: | 解答邮箱:cs@fcouncil.com |
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