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第一天 2015年9月24日 周四 |
09:00-09:30 |
签到及早茶 |
09:30-09:45 |
开场演讲1:在变革中寻求规律,运筹帷幄企业税收管理 |
09:45-10:15 |
开场演讲2:中国财税政策发展及未来趋势 |
主题一:所得税之变 |
10:15-11:00 |
所得税税收管理政策新变革 |
11:15-12:00 |
不同兼并重组模式下的税务处理 |
12:00-14:00 |
高端自助午餐 |
主题二:流转税之变 |
14:00-14:45 |
营改增最新状况及发展趋势 |
14:45-15:30 |
消费税的未来改革方向 |
15:45-16:30 |
2015出口退(免)税最新政策解析 |
16:30-16:45 |
大会主席总结,第一天结束 |
第二天 2015年9月25日 周五 |
09:00-09:30 |
签到及早茶 |
主题三:国际税之变 |
09:30-10:15 |
最新非居民税收管理政策变化 |
10:15-11:00 |
国际反避税最新发展动态 |
11:15-12:00 |
预约转让定价安排(APA)的实现 |
12:00-14:00 |
高端自助午餐 |
主题四:税务管理之变 |
14:00-14:45 |
实战分享1:转让定价风险新考量 |
14:45-15:30 |
实战分享2:兼并重组战略新方向 |
15:45-16:30 |
实战分享3:跨境投资税收筹划新思路 |
16:30-16:45 |
大会主席总结,第八届企业税务管理创新大会宣布结束 |
China Finance Executive Council
Policy Reformation and Management Innovation
24th-25th, September, 2015
Beijing, China
As expected in 2014, it has great changes of China tax policy in 2015. Lots of policies became nattier, easier and more convenience. And it build a favorable tax environment for corporate. However, these reformations ask for a higher tax management. Corporate tax management become much more important and valuable.
F-Council Annual China Tax Summit dedicate to help Chinese tax administrators inspired proactive thinking to cope with change and challenge. We will meet 2015 8th Annual China Tax Summit in September in Beijing and November in Shanghai. Executive officers from SAT and Ministry of Finance, as well as tax experts from enterprise and firms will be invited on this grand meeting. We will be talking, sharing, value creating at F-Council Annual China Tax Summit.
In here, you shall listen
You will have a chance to hear authoritative voice from executive officer and command updated policy information. You will get an opportunity to learn eminent tax management experiences and solutions to operate your business better than ever. Just need your registration, COME AND ATTEND US!
§ 2-days essence contents
§ Strongest official delegate, most authoritative voice
§ 100+ finance & tax elites for social, talking, brain storming
§ 100% far-reaching practice sharing
In here, you shall learn
In here, you shall meet
§ VP from China Finance Executive Council
§ Executive officer from SAT
§ Partner from PwC China
§ Partner from E&Y China
§ Partner from Zhonghui Certified Tax Agents
§ Tax Director from enterprise
Who should attend
With over 10 years working experience in finance and taxation, hold finance and tax senior management position, including but not limited to:
§ Chief Financial Officer/ General Manager
§ Head of finance/tax department
§ Finance /Tax director or senior management personnel
§ Chief for the transfer pricing project group
§ Chief for the M&A project group
1st day Thursday Sep.24,2015 |
0900-0930 |
Sign in & morning tea |
0930-0945 |
Opening speech 1:Seeking the rule in the change, plan a strategy of enterprise tax management |
0945-1015 |
Opening speech 2: Development and future trends of China tax policy |
Subject One – Income Tax |
1015-1100 |
Reform of income tax policy |
1115-1200 |
Tax planning with different M&A model |
1200-1400 |
Luncheon |
Subject Two – Indirect Tax |
1400-1445 |
Development of China VAT reform |
1445-1530 |
Reform orientation of consumption tax |
1545-1630 |
2015 export tax rebate regulations analysis |
1630-1645 |
Chairman summary, end of the 1st day |
2ed day Friday Sep.25,2015 |
0900-0930 |
Sign in & morning tea |
Subject Three – International Tax |
0930-1015 |
New policy of international tax |
1015-1100 |
New stage of multinational anti-tax avoidance |
1115-1200 |
Realize of appointment for transfer pricing arrangement |
1200-1400 |
Luncheon |
Subject Four – Tax management |
1400-1445 |
Practice Sharing - Recently TP risk management |
1445-1530 |
Practice Sharing - A new direction of M&A |
1545-1630 |
Practice Sharing - Tax planning of cross-border investment |
1630-1645 |
Chairman Summary, end of Annual China Tax Summit 2015 |
客服专线:400 820 2536 | 咨询专线:400 820 2536 |
咨询邮箱: | 解答邮箱:cs@fcouncil.com |
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