China Finance Executive Council—中国最大的创新领先的财税经理人专业实战经验分享会员机构






邀请人数: 费用:¥500 /人




时间:2015-07-30  13:00-17:00 地点:广州 限定人数:40人


会员:联系CS@fcouncil.com或400 820 2536成为会员,享会员价









l 2015个税改革方案展望

l 2015个税最新法规热点与难点解读

l 广州会员个税疑难问题解答

































l 美国总部以派遣的方式将其雇员Ada派遣到中国子公司工作两年,且每年都居住满1年。在派遣期间,其工资薪金的1/3部分由境内子公司支付并负担,另外2/3部分由美国总部支付并负担。请问:





l 美国总部A以派遣的方式将其雇员派遣到境内子公司B工作,在派遣期间,这名外籍个人的工资薪金由境外企业A支付,但是实际的工资薪金费用由境内子公司B承担。境内子公司B又将这名外籍个人派往其他城市的另一家合资子公司C工作。也就是说C公司是该外籍个人的实际工作地,但是C公司既不支付外籍人员的工资也不承担工资薪金的费用。请问哪方是该外籍个人个人所得税的代扣代缴义务人?

l 美国总部将其雇员Ada以技术顾问的形式派到中国境内某项目中,该外籍雇员Ada在境内工作时间为5个月,他的工资薪金由美国总部支付和负担。请问.该外籍雇员Ada是否需要在中国缴纳个人所得税?

l 加拿大总部副总经理A是加拿大的税收居民,A监管亚太地区的事务,因工作需要定期往返于加拿大和中国,2013年度A在华实际停留了200天,他的工资薪金由加拿大总部支付和负担。请问A是否需要在中国缴纳个人所得税?


l 某企业会计问:单位员工小刘与单位签订的劳动合同已经到期,公司决定不再与其续签合同,由此给予员工小刘的经济补偿金是否需要缴纳个人所得税?


EY广州 人力资本合伙人,税务经理

广州市巍跋然胶业有限公司 Gorden
好未来教育集团 财务邓经理



13:30-14:45 2015个人所得税税收改革方向展望及新法规解析

l 个税改革方案观察




l 2015个税法规解析


14:45-15:00 茶歇

15:00-15:45 广州地区个人所得税的检查重点及应对

l 高收入者主要所得项目稽查(利息,股息,红利所得,股权转让所得,工资薪金所得,外籍个人所得等)

l 企业促销赠送礼品的个人所得税(企业向个人赠送礼品所得税处理)

l 内部职工抽奖所得的税务处理

l 视同股利分配应扣个税检查及税务处理

l 应扣缴个人所得税的典型问题






l 解除劳动合同,提前退休,内部退养和买断工龄获得一次性补偿支出的检查(企业所得税,个税处理)

15:45-17:00 广州地区个人所得税疑难问题解答

l 企业在控制年终奖额度时应注意的问题。

l 个税上的临时工和季节工的工资问题。

l 劳务报酬的集中与分散支付问题。

l 差旅费补贴问题

l 交通补贴,通讯补贴的个税政策及实务问题。

l 医药费补贴或报销家属医药费的个税问题。

l 降温取暖费问题。

l 为职工旅游而发生的费用问题。

l 基本社保与补充养老保险,补充医疗保险,企业年金问题

l 住房公积金与住房补贴问题。

l 托儿所补贴,独生子女费问题

l 其他福利费相关问题

17:00-17:30 现场互动交流

17:30 活动结束




Back ground

According to the latest news, in the entire sequence of tax reform, tax reform in the camp to increase, consumption tax, resources tax, and many other reforms, relevant departments are very careful, the scheme has been basically is in 2015 is expected to launch. Known including mergers part items, improve the pre-tax deduction, timely introduction of reporting system for household spending, optimize the tax rate structure, etc. At the same time, relevant departments will also accelerate the construction of tax collection and administration of the reform of supporting conditions and so on, then, a series of reform, what impact to the enterprise, the F - council hope that through this activity, can help enterprises face in the future tax reform, a positive good.

Another, F - council through periodic and regional research, collected in Guangzhou member the hot issues in respect of income tax, hope that through this activity for answers to these questions, timely help F - Guangzhou council members do a reply in tax problem.

Key Point

l 2015 tax reform

l 2015 tax regulations latest hot and difficult

l Guangzhou member tax problems to solve

The member of personal income tax in 2015 in Guangzhou area:

1.      Individuals with non-monetary assets income pay individual income tax, foreign investment to confirm how do you determine the place should be?

2.      When calculating the equity transfer income individual income tax, the original value of the equity should be how to confirm?

3.      Individual income tax law exemption of welfare funds should be how to define?

4.      Be reimbursed with foreign staff meals subsidies can be exempt, but if the cash for foreign staff meals subsidies can enjoy duty-free?

5.      Foreigner to rent a house, in the name of the company and sign a contract in the name of the individual, what's the difference?

6.      Allowance and bonus is different form, allowance and into wages, and not into the bonus calculation, is that right?

7.      About car allowance, for employees to buy gasoline with the receipt, this should pay tax? At ordinary times the cost of collection in cost, when income tax return may be on welfare.

8.      Could you tell me about foreigners enjoy a month reimbursement, namely the pre-tax deduction quota in advance and the proportion of wages and salaries have what than a mandatory? If not, then the general enterprise operating ratio is about?

9.      Our group headquarters staff was posted to the subsidiary company, they still and group headquarters signed labor contract, but the staff wage costs

10.   Shall be borne by the accredited by the subordinate company. Subsidiaries, please pay the group headquarters staff wage costs, the group headquarters should be issued by 6% value-added tax invoice? If not development ticket, only do acting mat salary treatment, then the subordinate company can undertake the labor costs in the income tax deductions? The existence of tax risk?

11.   My company directly with several foreign employees sign labor contract, in the land of foreign personnel outside the basic social insurance company pay part of the (non-commercial), is currently the first by overseas related parties acting mat, and then to our company. Our problem is the company for overseas payment part need to provide what information? Is it must provide proved to be "non-commercial" basic social insurance, contracts and other information?

12.   Our company is registered in Shenzhen enterprises with foreign investment, enterprise income tax on enterprise subsidiary medical insurance before deducting conditions, have the following questions: The first kind of circumstance: for employees pay a certain amount of per person per year to purchase supplementary medical insurance company; The second case: the company in the form of funds entrusted to the insurance company in order to establish the group health plans to on-the-job personnel, covering employees after retirement, medical costs, the trustee for retirees to handle claims service

13.   The above two cases are 5% under salary, whether to comply with the provisions of the tax (2009) no. 27, what are the tax risk, what are the accounting matters needing attention, the supplementary medical insurance have what form? Comment, thank you!

14.   The foreign capital enterprise, our company is registered in Shenzhen now added the provision of housing accumulation fund proportion 4% each to companies and individuals, can, please full charge before duty of enterprise income tax? Supplement the public accumulation fund for housing construction is deducted before duty of enterprise income tax rate?

15.   I received my tax refund company tax fee need to pay tax return? Before we had consulted the tax authorities, but different researchers answer is not the same. Some say as long as pay enterprise income tax, some said he would pay the enterprise income tax and business tax. Ask an expert teacher teach, in addition we comparison is in order on the accounting of accounting?

16.   Our company pay department (team) in the form of cash (cash will not be assigned to the individual, is department), we write down welfare funds course, such a tax risk operation? If in the form of borrowing in advance to department, the department written off by the invoice, the operation is relatively better?

17.   Company sales staff occasional overtime meals, get reimbursed with the invoice, and smaller every time. The revenue that the expenses associated with the business of selling, and they can't judge whether meal include external personnel, so they decided that it is business entertainment, only allow pre-tax deduction in proportion. This judgment is reasonable?

18.   Our company business needs, in Hong Kong to rent the house of the individual, in foreign remittance, please what you need to pay tax, business tax? The individual income tax?

19.   Our company is registered enterprises in Guangzhou, are now in the offering for every Chinese employees summer high temperature fee subsidy, could you tell me whether you need to pay personal income tax? If so, are there any standards issued?

20.   About the high temperature fee reimbursement have a few questions: High temperature fee reimbursement can be listed in the "management expenses" course? Company registered in Shanghai, could you provide heating fee reimbursement benefits for employees in Beijing? Can welfare standards in accordance with the standards implementation in the Beijing area? Will you please provide relevant policy document? The employee name, no room can provide reimbursement for their spouse’s welfare? Could you please submit an expense account object extends to the employee's housing of parents or children? Will you please provide relevant documents?

21.   we are an Italian company, foreigners have been resident in China and in the domestic wages and pay individual income tax, from next year, though he continued to management in China, but time can't more than 183 days in China, could you tell me, whether his salary can be borne by the Chinese company, his personal income tax, also need not to need to pay in China? Do you need in advance to revenue for the record?

22.   Our company's foreign affiliates (not a parent) to send foreign personnel to my company, would you please tell me the tax authority may require my company must sign labor contract with the dispatched personnel?

23.   Whether the individual because of the labor contract to obtain compensation caishui [2001] no. 157 provisions shall be applicable within the three times of the provisions of the tax free?

24.   Employee severance can be deducted before the enterprise income tax?

25.   2014 annual income tax payable or refundable amount return, A104000 schedule of fees "during the period of the scope of" compensation "is and A105050 range in the schedule of worker pay tax adjustment? Which include spending on wages and salaries, employee welfare spending, employee education funds expenditure, all kinds of basic social security contributions, housing accumulation fund, compensatory endowment insurance, supplementary medical insurance A109010 "branches of enterprise income tax filing consolidated income tax distribution table of the three factors of" employee compensation "also like A105050 range? My company's quarterly allocation in the table "employee compensation scope includes only" wages and salaries and welfare funds, annual distribution table allocation proportion and quarterly consistent? Quarter illustrate: CaiYu (2012) no. 40: branch of worker pay, as mentioned in the present measures refers to the branch for the worker to provide services for all forms of remuneration of the employees. Annual illustrate: fill in the previous year to the branches provide services for workers and give all forms of remuneration and other relevant expenses Genies.

Case review

Foreign personnel dispatch related cases in China

l American headquarters will be in the form of sending their employees work for two years, Ada sent to China subsidiary and live full 1 year every year. During the period of sending, the third part of the wages and salaries paid by the domestic subsidiary and burden, the other two-thirds are paid by the headquarters of the United States and burden. Excuse me:

1) Whether Ada need pay individual income tax in China?

2) If you need to pay individual income tax in China, by the American companies to pay part of the burden and whether can from duty Income tax?

3) Ada individual income tax withholding obligation is who?

l Headquarters of the United States to send A way to send its employees to domestic subsidiary B work, during the period of sending, the foreign individuals of wages and salaries paid by enterprises abroad A, but the actual cost of wages and salaries shall be borne by the subsidiary in B. Domestic subsidiary B and the foreign individuals sent to another joint venture subsidiary C work in other cities. That is C company is the actual work of the foreign individuals, but neither C company for foreign personnel salary doesn't bear the cost of the wages and salaries. Could you tell me which side is the foreign personal income tax withholding obligation?

l American headquarters to its employees Ada in the form of a technical consultant in a project sent to the territory of China, the foreign employees Ada in the working time for five months, his wages and salaries are paid by the headquarters of the United States and burden. Excuse me. Whether the foreign employees Ada need to pay individual income tax in China?

l Canada headquarters is deputy general manager of A tax resident in Canada, A regulatory affairs in the Asia Pacific region, because of work need to periodically between Canada and China, the 2013 A in China for 200 days, actually his wages and salaries paid by the Canadian headquarters and burden. Can you tell me whether A needs to pay individual income tax in China?

Because the contract did not get a renewal of the compensation whether you need to pay individual income tax:

l An enterprise accounting q: unit staff xiao liu to sign labor contract has expired, the company decided not to renew its contract, thus giving employee’s liu economy compensates gold to pay individual income tax?


EY Guangzhou Human Capital


13:00-13:30 Sign

13:30-14:45 Outlook 2015 individual income tax reform direction and new regulations

l Tax reform to observe

-Part of the items - merger

- timely reporting system for the introduction of household spending

- optimize tax rate structure

l Resolution 2015 of the income tax regulations

- The wages and salaries and worker welfare funds expenditure on deductions issues announcement (the state administration of taxation announced 34, 2015)

14:45-15:00 Tea Break

15:00-15:45 Guangzhou check focus and deal with individual income tax

l High earners mainly income project auditing (interest, dividends, dividend income, equity transfer income, income from wages and salaries of foreign personal income, etc.)

l Corporate promotional gifts of individual income tax (enterprise to personal income tax gifts processing)

l Internal employees lottery income tax treatment

l Regarded as dividend distribution should deduct tax check and tax treatment

l The typical problems that should be withholding individual income tax

- The shortage problem of enterprise distribution equity dividend withholding individual income tax

- By several times during the month of wages and salaries income unincorporated tax withholding tax is insufficient

- Enterprises and units for the worker to buy commercial insurance not withholding tax

- Enterprises and units to individual public transportation, communications and other subsidies did not include withholding tax

- Enterprises and units for the worker to provide free travel did not include withholding tax

l Remove labor contract, retire ahead of schedule, the internal TuiYang and buyout achieve one-time compensation expenses of check (the enterprise income tax, income tax treatment)

15:45-17:00 Guangzhou individual income tax problems to solve

l Enterprises in the problems that should be paid attention to controlling the award amount.

l Tax on temporary and seasonal workers salary problem.

l Centralization and dispersion of labor remuneration payment issues.

l Travel subsidies

l Traffic subsidies, communication allowance of tax policy and practice problem.

l Medical expenses subsidies or for family members of the medical expenses of the income tax problems.

l Cooling heating problem.

l The matter of the cost of travel for the worker and happen.

l The basic social security and the compensatory endowment insurance, supplementary medical insurance, enterprise annuity

l The public accumulation fund for housing construction and housing subsidies.

l Nursery allowance, the one-child cost issue

l Other welfare related issues

17:00-17:30 Q&A

17:30 End





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