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服务热线:400-820-2536 |
●掌握预算和绩效考核的关系,学会预算调整对KPI 指标影响的处理,同时深入KPI细则了解如何设置才能起到控制目的
本课程结合我国企业实际情况,邀请资深的企业财务预算管理专家,为大家传授的不仅仅是做预算的思路方法,更是推动预算执行的丰富经验,将预算和运营有效结合,让大家真正了解预算和绩效的“冤家”关系 。
雪梨 副总裁 协同共享企业服务(上海)股份有限公司
曾服务于Valmont、ITW、Veolia、GM等大型世界500强企业,拥有二十多年丰富的财务高层管理经验,熟悉财务、海关、税务、银行资金管理、客户服务、物流管理、保险、法务、项目管理和IT ERP系统等领域。
威立雅:参与世界最大环境工程的项目,世界银行招投标项目,参与招标设计、评审、过程控制、竣工决算、运营流程设计某美资大型制造上市公司 。
以深受学员好评的国际流行的轻松幽默、互动体验的授课方式为培训基调,贯穿于培训课程始终。整个培训不是以“教”的方式,而是以“做”的方式让学员精通这些原则。 学员在培训中享受快乐,在快乐中牢记知识。课程的目的是以“授之以渔”, 而非“授之以鱼”。
课堂讲授—— 案例分析—— 实战互动分享——媒介分享——渗入沟通的技巧
第一天 战略预算管理理念,框架构建与设置技巧 |
第二天 全面预算的有效执行障碍与控制效能分析 |
09:00-10:00 |
战略预算管理的价值及各方责任 |
09:00-10:00 |
全面预算管理体系设置思路,技巧及问题——预算编制过程(下) |
10:00-11:30 |
基于战略目标的全面预算管理构建理念 |
10:00-12:30 |
预算的有效执行与改进 |
11:30-12:30 |
全面预算管理体系设置思路,技巧及问题——部门经理在算前的准备工作 |
12:30-13:30 |
午餐 |
12:30-13:30 |
午餐 |
13:30-16:00 |
解析全面预算与绩效考核的真正关系 |
13:30-16:30 |
全面预算管理体系设置思路,技巧及问题——预算编制过程(上) |
16:00-16:30 |
全面预算中风险管理体系案例 |
16:30-17:00 |
学员总结 |
16:30-17:00 |
学员总结 |
一、 明确战略预算管理价值及各方责任
1. 以战略目标引导资源优化配置的预算管理体系
2. 预算管理各方人员责任
3. 财务人员在预算管理中角色转换
二、 基于战略目标的全面预算管理构建理念
1. 全面预算管理的认识误区
2. 从传统财务预算到全面预算管理
3. 做好战略预算管理需要条件
4. 预算在什么样的环境下才起作用
5. 如何发现企业根本性问题并构建适合自己企业的预算管理体系
三、 全面预算管理体系设置思路,技巧及问题
1. 部门经理在预算前的准备工作
2. 预算编制思路,方法及技巧
四、 预算的有效执行与改进
1. 滚动预算
2. 预算分析与改进
3. 如何拦截预算"假"差异,让高层只看到真差异
4. 预算管理中的风险控制
5. 高风险预算事项的特殊管理
6. 预算调整动机解析
7. 预算执行中常见行为剖析
五、 解析全面预算与绩效考核的真正关系
1. 绩效考核与预算的相互关系
2. 绩效考核方法
3. KPI指标体系
4. 平衡计分卡
5. 预算考核指标
6. 奖惩
六、 全面预算管理中风险管理体系案例分析
●Understand the value of strategic budgeting management and how to combine the operation with strategy.
●Master the budget consideration, setting and application under strategic target
●Learn to make the budget as whole company’s role
●Know the key point of budget and learn the communication skill with other department
●Master the relationship between budget and KPI. Learn to deal with the influence of budget adjust.
●Know the abuses of budgeting in actual job
As we all know, budget management is the job for the whole company. However, finance department take more responsibility especially when the budget was not so good. As a promotion sector, we canneither pre-empt nor inaction. What can we do?
This curriculum invited budget management expert to share the knowledge on the budgeting methods and promotion experience. Aim to help financial managers indeed understanding the enemy relationship between budgeting and KPI.
Knowledge Confused
●We have to do budget, but it doesn’t work.
●Other departments think that budget is nothing to do with them.
●Sale’s budget is always difference with the truth, which make the KPI cannot play the role.
●Lose control of the expense before the event finishing.
●It’s serious in budget bargain.
●We cannot spend a little out of budget, can we? We can spend money under budget, can’t we? Few companies can execute budget well, although all of us know that budget is one of the most important job in company management which link the operation with target.
Shelley, Vice President, China Finance Executive Council
Over 20 years experience in Finance, Custom, Tax, Treasury, Customer service, Logistic, Insurance, Legal, project management and IT business, serviced as Valmont, ITW, VEOLIA,GM of Fortune Global 500 enterprises. Owned Senior Accountant in PRC, stage II ACCA, SIFM. Be familiar with PRCGAAP, IAS and US GAAP.
Working Experience
●Veolia Group Company LG project (Fortune 500). Environment construction and operation Company. No.1 in the environmental industry. Finance Controller for Finance Dept.
●Shanghai General Motors Co.,Ltd(Fortune 500). Auto Manufacturing Industry. Top 3 in the automotive industry. Manager for payable and manufacturing group.
●ITW Performance Polymers& Fluids, China (US Top 200) include one manufacturing plant and three trading company. Controller for Finance Dept, Customer service Dept, ERP system, Legal business.
●Valmont industry China Company which ismanufacturing industry andinvested by US. And it’s public Company. Be China Finance Controller and in Charge of 4 plant within China Territory.
Training Strength
The training tone is praised by the participants in the international popular humorous, interactive experience teaching methods. The training is not to "teach", but rather to "do" to let participants master these principles. Participants enjoy the training and keep the knowledge in mind in happy learning.
Training Method
Classroom Teaching – Case Analysis – Group Discussion – Medium Sharing - PenetratingCommunication Skill
Course Arrangement
Day One Strategic Budgeting management philosophy, frame construction and setting skill |
Day Two Budget operation obstacle and control performance analysis |
09:00-10:00 |
Value and each sector’s responsibility of strategic budgeting |
09:00-10:00 |
Budgeting setting method, skill and challenge——budgeting process(2) |
10:00-11:30 |
Budgeting management framework concept based on the strategic target |
10:00-12:30 |
Effective operating and improvement of budgeting |
11:30-12:30 |
Budgeting setting method, skill and challenge——preparation before budgeting |
12:30-13:30 |
Luncheon |
12:30-13:30 |
Luncheon |
13:30-16:00 |
Relationship between budgeting and KPI |
13:30-16:30 |
Budgeting setting method, skill and challenge——budgeting process(1) |
16:00-16:30 |
Case sharing of budgeting risk management |
16:30-17:00 |
Participants summary |
16:30-17:00 |
Participants summary |
Course Outline
Preface – Case sharing: Value and influence of strategic budgeting
A. Clear the value and each sector’s role in strategic budgeting
1. Budget management system with optimal resources guided by strategic role
2. Each sector’s responsibility in budget management
3. The changing role of finance manager in budget management
●What should we do? And what kind of challenge should we face?
●How to promote strategic budget management through senior executive
B. Budgeting management framework concept based on the strategic target
1. Misunderstanding of budget management
2. From traditional budgeting to comprehensive budget management
3. Requirement of strategic budget management
●Involvement and attention of senior executive
●Influence of organization structure
●Process system
●Informationization degree
●Influence of performance management system
4. Under what kind of environment that budgeting can work?
5. How to find out the fundamental issues to set an available budget management system
●Different target means different budget management system
●Different character means different budget management system
C. Budgeting setting method, skill and challenge
1. Manager’s job: preparation before budgeting
●Budget target confirmation and budget method choice
●Budget postulated conditions setting process
●Three budget abilities of non-financial manager
●Financial function and influence in budget preparation
2. Budgeting process, method and skill
●Operation process of budgeting
●Budgeting of human resource cost
Requirement of HR budget
Planning skill of HR budget
●Budgeting of investment
Process and method of investment budgeting
●Budgeting of revenue
Two kinds of revenue budget target
Model of revenue budgeting
Special remarks of project sales budgeting
●Budgeting of purchasing
Difficulties of purchasing budgeting
Process of purchasing budgeting
Purchasing budgeting skill
●Budgeting of production
Process of production budgeting
Method and skill of production budgeting
Attentions of production budgeting
●Budgeting of cash
Purpose of cash budgeting
Meticulous level of cash budgeting
Attentions of cash budgeting
●Collection and balance of budgeting report
D. Effective operating and improvement of budgeting
1. Rolling budget
●When should we do rolling budget?
●Synergistic effect to different sectors of rolling budget
2. Budget analysis and improvement
●Exhibition of budget different
●Data support for budget analysis
●Budget warning system
3. Let the senior executive find the real difference
4. Budget risk management
●Risk recognition system
●Risk evaluation method
●Risk response framework
●Budgeting bargain and year-end rush to spend
5. Special management of high-risk budget matters
●How to break down high-risk events in the budget table
●Process management of high-risk events
●Three targets of high-risk events
6. Motivation resolve of budget adjustment
●When should we adjust the budget?
●Relevance budget adjustment to KPI
●How to change KPI after budget adjustment
7. Common behavior analysis in budget enforcement
E. Relationship between budgeting and KPI
1. Relationship between budgeting and KPI
●Budget target and KPI
●How to combine budget management with KPI
●High requirement to financial department
2. Performance appraisal method
3. KPI system
4. BSC (balanced score card)
5. Budget KPI
6. Rewards and punishment
Case sharing of budgeting risk management客服专线:400 820 2536 | 咨询专线:400 820 2536 |
咨询邮箱: | 解答邮箱:cs@fcouncil.com |
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