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China Finance Executive Council
l 2015年,宏观环境的新变化会对人民币国际化进程产生哪些重大影响?其又是如何逐步影响企业资金的流向?
l 2015年,面对资本项下逐步开放/人民币跨境流通渠道拓宽的大背景与反避税监管加强的严峻形势,企业应当如何平衡利弊并更从全面的角度防控资金跨境流通涉及的来自于外汇波动与政府的多重风险?
l “互联网+”时代下,互联网金融的兴起是否会导致企业融资方式的变革?
l 如何对资金使用进行全面的统筹安排与严格管理,以便轻松应对企业经营范围及生产规模发生变化时的突发需求?
l 如何规范企业的资金流向、流量和流程以确保收入安全、及时和足额的回笼,各项费用受到有效控制,加速资金的周转,提高资金的使用效益?
● 持续2天的精彩分享,从宏观环境应对、资金风险管理,资金日常管理,资金收益规划等方面多维度探讨如何通过资金精细化管理实现企业价值的最大化
● 百位以上财税经理人齐聚现场:人脉扩展,多方交流,思维碰撞
● 100%财务资深人士实践经验深度交流
§ 国家外汇管理局上海分局主管官员
§ 中国人民银行
§ 上海股权托管交易中心
§ 知名中/外资商业银行
§ 知名第三方机构
§ 知名外资企业
§ 知名中资企业
§ 首席财务官
§ 财务部总裁/副总裁
§ 财务部领导人员
§ 资金管理与支付
§ 企业风险管理
§ 预算与计划
§ 现金流管理
第一天 |
时间 |
分享话题 |
演讲嘉宾 |
核心内容与价值点 |
宏观环境积极应对篇:人民币国际化与上海自贸区3.0金融改革带来的新机遇 |
9:30 |
2015年中国货币政策发展趋势及人民币国际化进程 |
渣打银行(中国)有限公司 全球总监 |
探讨亚投行的筹建,一带一路战略实施与资本项下的开放等宏观环境等新变化,揭示中国货币政策与人民币国际化的最新动态与发展趋势 |
10:15 |
上海自贸区3.0金融改革与“新51条”的发展 |
中国人民银行高级官员 |
解读上海自贸区金融改革3.0的逐步落实及未来发展趋势,梳理上海自贸区相比其他自贸区的核心优势 |
11:15 |
茶歇 |
11:45 |
上海自贸区3.0金融改革为企业带来的机遇 |
中国人民银行 高级官员 |
前瞻上海自贸试验区扩区后金融改革与创新的具体施展方案,探讨人民币国际化的具体应用 |
12:30 |
午餐 |
资金风险管理提升篇:外汇等多重风险的考量与防控 |
14:00 |
外汇风险考量与防控:外汇风险的预测与防控实践经验分享 |
天合亚太有限公司 亚太区财务总监 |
聆听企业外汇风险预测的方法与工具,借鉴外汇风险防控经验 |
14:45 |
茶歇 |
15:15 |
其他风险考量与防控:外管局对人民币跨境流通监管 |
国家外汇管理局上海分局主管官员 |
外管局官方权威揭示人民币跨境流通涉及的监管重点与相关风险,尤其涉及到对外汇资本金结汇监管新动态 |
16:15 |
其他风险考量与防控:关联企业间资金往来涉税问题考量 |
德勤会计师事务所 合伙人 |
揭示关联企业间资金往来涉及的税局监管重点,尤其是非贸付汇/现金池引发的的反避税监管,分享税务风险防控策略 |
17:00 |
第一天会议结束 |
第二天 |
时间 |
分享话题 |
演讲嘉宾 |
核心内容与价值点 |
资金日常管理实践篇-资金集中管控与运营效率提升 |
9:30 |
如何实现企业内部资金的高效运作 |
浙江大华技术股份有限公司副总裁、财务总监 |
从资金预测,闲置资金理财等方面入手,综合考虑资金的有效利用,以便实现资金整体运作效率的提高 |
10:15 |
新形势下跨境现金池的搭建与管理 |
魏德米勒电联接(上海)有限公司 财务总监 |
现身说法:作为自贸区首批亚太运营商之一,如何设计及筛选最适合自己的现金池搭建与管理方案? |
11:00 |
茶歇 |
11:30 |
投融资的前期准备:目标公司的资金审查与健康状况评估 |
格林百奥生态材料科技(上海)有限公司 董事兼CFO |
解密目标公司资金审查涉及的程序、方法与注意事项,了解目标公司资金健康状况评估的实用方法,是企业投融资战略成功的前提 |
12:30 |
午餐 |
资金收益规划篇-投融资与资本增值的新考量 |
14:00 |
融资新渠道的探索: 场外市场挂牌融资发展之道
上海股权托管交易中心副总经理 |
探秘中国资本市场的新四版,,实例解读成长型企业股权\股权质押融资等融资方式的实际运用 |
15:00 |
茶歇 |
15:30 |
差旅费管控流程与方案的升级 |
携程商旅 财务总监 |
16:15 |
企业集团成立财务公司集中管理财务风险的战略考虑 |
西门子财务公司环球总监 |
探索为什么越来越多的企业期冀成立财务公司,中国现阶段是否是成立财务公司的好时机 |
17:00 |
第二天会议结束 |
China Finance Executive Council
The 6th Treasury Management Summit 2015
Fine Management and the Maximization of Enterprise Value
June 11th-12th, 2015
In order to realize maximization of enterprise value, enterprise should improve its Fine Management of treasury in 2015 by fast reflection to macro environment, risk management, funds centralized management and efficiency improvement, profit planning.
l What are new changes in macro environment in 2015 and what’s the influence on Internationalization of the RMB?
l Considering the loosen restrictions on cross-border RMB Transaction, how to control the tax risk under the situation of strict Anti-tax avoidance administration?
l How to improve the treasury management and realize maximization of enterprise value?
l How to prefect the plan, forecasting, collection, risk control, efficiency improvement of treasury?
You will hear the voice from SAFE and The People's Bank of China, get the latest news or information of macro environment, and learn practical experience from colleagues! This summit will gather the Chinese most experienced finance and treasury professionals, welcome to join us!
l Two days excellent sharing, related to how to realize the maximization of enterprise value by fine treasury management on Fast Reflection to Macro Environment, Risk Management, Practice of Daily Treasury Management and Appreciation of Capital.
l You can meet more than 100 colleagues and expand your network circle in this summit
l 100% practical experience sharing beyond finance experts
l Governor from SAFE
l Governor from The People's Bank of China
l VP of Shanghai Equity Exchange
l Specialist from Bank
l Specialist from Famous Third Party
l Specialist from Chinese Investment Enterprises
l Specialist from Foreign-capital Enterprises
l Chief Financial Officer
l Vice President, Finance
l Head of Finance
l Payments & Treasury
l Risk Management
l Forecasting & Planning
l Cash Flow Management
Day One |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
Value |
Fast Reflection to Macro Environment:Opportunities from Internationalization of the RMB and China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Financial Reform |
9:30 |
The Trend of China Monetary Policy and Internationalization of the RMB |
Specialist |
Analyze the trend of China Monetary Policy and Internationalization of the RMB by discuss the new information of macro environment |
10:15 |
The Development of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Financial Reform |
Governor from The People's Bank of China |
Analyze the development of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Financial Reform , summarize its value and advantages |
11:15 |
Tea Break |
11:45 |
Opportunities fromf China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Financial Reform |
Specialist from ICBC |
Learn practical case about China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s Financial Reform and Internationalization of the RM |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Risk Control: Foreign-exchange Fluctuation and Government Risk Management |
14:00 |
Forecasting and Risk Control about Foreign-exchange Fluctuation |
Asia Finance Director of TRW Automotive |
Learn how to control the risk about Foreign-exchange Fluctuation |
14:45 |
Tea Break |
15:15 |
How to control the risk from SAFE |
Governor from Shanghai SAFE |
Catch up with the administration on Cross-border RMB Transaction from the official point of view |
16:15 |
How to control the tax risk from transaction among related companies |
Johnny Foun, Tax partner of Deloitte, Louisa Lu, Transfer Pricing director of Deloitte |
Understand the tax risk from transaction among related companies and learn how to control that |
17:00 |
End of Day One |
Day Two |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
Value |
Practice of Daily Treasury Management: Funds Centralized Management and Efficiency Improvement |
9:30 |
How to realize the effective Treasury Management? |
VP & FD of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.,Ltd. |
Learn how to improve the efficiency of treasury management |
10:15 |
Establishment and Management about Cash Pool |
Specialist from Enterprises and bank |
Real case about how to select the best suitable cash pool plan and manage it |
11:00 |
Tea Break |
11:30 |
How to realize the maximization of enterprise value by fine treasury management? |
Specialists from Enterprises |
Several colleagues discuss how to realize the maximization of enterprise value by fine treasury management |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Appreciation of Capital: Consideration of Investment and Financing |
14:00 |
New Ideas of Financing: Financing in OTC Market |
VP of Shanghai Equity Exchange |
Learn the development of OTC Market and the practice of Financing in OTC Market |
15:00 |
Tea Break |
15:30 |
Cost Control of Travelling Expense |
CEO from Ctrip |
New ideas about cost control of travelling expense for your reference |
16:15 |
Consideration in Advance during Investment |
Consideration in Advance during Investment |
Summarize the main items for consider, help you to preparer in advance |
17:00 |
End of Day Two |
客服专线:400 820 2536 | 咨询专线:400 820 2536 |
咨询邮箱: | 解答邮箱:cs@fcouncil.com |
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