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服务热线:400-820-2536 |
l 非贸付汇的流程是怎样的?
l 对外付汇税务备案需要提交哪些资料?
l 非居民付汇应关注哪些涉税风险点?
l 企业所得税境内外所得如何划分?
l 电子商务模式是否涉及常设机构认定风险?
l 转让专利所有权属于特许权使用费吗?
l 代垫费用如何支付?
l 支付设计费会构成特许权使用费吗?
l 对外支付信息、资料费会被税务机关认定为特许权使用费吗?
l 委托研发合同支付研发费有何涉税风险?
l “营改增”是否会影响对外支付中境内税款在双方的承担方法?
严康 苏州市兴瑞税务师事务所 所长
13:00-13:30 活动签到
13:30-14:00 非贸付汇涉及的相关法律法规条文
14:00-15:00 企业关注的非贸付汇难点(上)
15:00-15:15 茶歇
15:15-16:00 企业关注的非贸付汇难点(下)
16:00-16:30 互动问答
16:30 活动结束
In anti-tax avoidance area, "non-trade payments" has been greatly concerned by the tax board. From 146th file last year asked the IRS "diagnostic Troubleshooting" associated enterprises in nearly 10 years of payments, to now officially released March 18 "2015" Bulletin 16th on the enterprise issues related to corporate income tax payment to foreign related parties notice, all shows will be the focus of future directions in this field.
For businesses, while the law provides more clarity, more favorable to enterprises to grasp, reach compliance results.But if not exactly the latest developments, combined with their own reality, perhaps difficult to grasp in their daily work.
This time, F-Council set out in detail in the course of a number of non-trade payments, Enterprise encountered some hot tax issues, inviting prominent local office, resolution problems, share experiences for everyone.
Key Points
l what is the program of non-trade payments?
l What information is required in foreign payment of tax for the record?
l What the tax risks of Non-resident payment should pay close attention to?
l How to divide the derived from both inside and outside of enterprise income tax?
l E-commerce model standing body that the risk involved?
l Transfer of ownership of the patent belonging to royalty fees?
l How to cover the costs reimbursed?
l Pay for the design would constitute a royalty fee?
l Payment information and fee information will be the tax authorities identified as royalty fee?
l Commissioned research contract research expenses paid any tax-related risks?
l "VAT" would affect pay foreign taxes in the territory on both sides of the shoulder?
13:00-13:30 Sign up
13:30-14:00 relevant laws and regulations of non-trade foreign exchange payment
14:00-15:00 Difficulties of enterprises I
15:00-15:15 Tea Break
15:15-16:00 Difficulties of enterprises II
16:00-16:30 Q&A
16:30 Ending
客服专线:400 820 2536 | 咨询专线:400 820 2536 |
咨询邮箱: | 解答邮箱:cs@fcouncil.com |
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