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1. 深度解析——2015年高新技术企业资质认定及审批标准
2. 从新的纳税申报表,研发费用及高新技术企业专项财政性资金的角度深度解决企业实际操作难题
1. 总分公司不在一个省份,劳务派遣的人的个税保险是否都可以作为我的研发费用?事务所认为不可以,但是科技局说只要能提供证明,是你企业主动承担的,也是可以的,这一块争议很大,如何处理?
2. 研发费用占全年收入的比例,是三年累计还是每年都要达标?比如物流、库房、财务部是否可以属于科技人员呢?
3. 我们的高新资质到明年到期,由于之前已经复审过一次了,第二次要重新再认定,那重新认定时要注意什么呢?
4. 我想要了解的就是对于高新技术企业,可能会遇到的其它的优惠(地方政府的扶植基金),像是各地的政府、行政机关所给予的一些一次性的补助,比如说奖励基金、成果转化、特别行业的国家的贴现(国家计划鼓励的相关的生产的产品)
13:00 签到
13:30 深度解析——2015年高新技术企业资质认定及审批工作
1) 北京市——高新技术企业资质认定及审批工作重点及变化
2) 2015年高新认定时间流程梳理
3) 上下级不同部门的审核重点及差异协调(知识产权及科技成果转化、研发人员、研发费用、高新收入等)
4) 高新技术企业财政补贴申请(资质要求及财政补贴种类)
5) 高新技术企业行业政策展望
15:00 茶歇自由交流
1) 新纳税申报表对于高新技术企业的影响
● 新纳税申报表明确企业总收入的统计口径
● 新纳税申报表新制度对于高新技术企业的影响
2) 研发费用加计扣除的申请及审核
● 研发费用加计扣除项目鉴定的要求及申请流程
● 研发费用加计扣除税务备案的要求及申请流程
● 研发费用加计扣除费用归集的注意事项(不同研发项目在费用上的交集以及在明细账中的归集、分摊问题;研发人员跨项目归集;固定资产费用跨项目归集)
3) 高新技术企业研发费用的管理
● 研发费用辅助账的建立及常见问题
● 研发费用归集在不同税收优惠下的差异(高新VS研发费用加计扣除)
● 各地对于研发费用管理的要求(北京、上海、天津等地)
4) 高新技术企业专项财政性资金管理
● 财政性资金的性质界定
● 财政性资金不予征税的条件
● 财政性资金相关的费用扣除限制及后续管理
16:30 互动答疑
17:00 会议结束
Key Value Points:
1. Insight: The Examination and Approval of New and High Technology Company.
2. Practical Difficulties Analysis through the New Tax Return form, R&D Expenditure and Dedicated Founds from government.
Confusion from peers:
1. The head company and branch company are not in the same province, is that ok if I put the individual income tax and insurance of the outsourcing labor into the R&D expenditure? The audit firms think this is not right, but the science and technology bureau said it is ok if the company can provide the related proof which means the company undertakes it actively. So this is very controversial, how can I deal with it?
2. The percentage of R&D expenditure to annual income should reach the standard every year or the accumulation of three years? Is the R&D stuff included the stuff of logistics, storehouse and finance department?
3. Our qualification will be expired next year and we’ve been rechecked once. We know that if we want to keep the qualification, there are a lot of works to do, so what should we do?
4. We’ve got the qualification for a long time and the only thing I am still curious about is the fiscal subsidies.
13:00 Sign In
13:30 Insight: The Examination and Approval of New and High Technology Company.
1) Beijing Science and Technology Bureau’s view: The key emphasis and changes in work
2) 2015 new and high technology company affirmation process
3) The different views of superior and subordinate department(Including intellectual and commercialization of research findings, research staff, research expenditures, new and high product(service) income and others)
4) The application of fiscal subsidies
5) Forecast: New and high technology industry policy
15:00 Tea Break
15:30 Cutting through Complexity
1) The influence of new tax return report on the High and New Technology Enterprise
● The influence of rules of new tax return report on the total revenue
● The impact of new rules on the High and New Technology Enterprise
2) The application and audit about deduction of R&D cost
● How to apply the deduction of R&D cost
● Application of tax benefit from deduction of R&D cost
● The collection of R&D costs ( The collection of shared R&D cost in different projects such as the R&D talents cost and fix assets cost)
3) The management of R&D cost in High and New Technology Enterprise
● The explanation of subsidiary account
● Key notes of collection of R&D cost under different tax benefit policies (High and New Technology Enterprise V.S. R&D deduction)
● Key notes of collection of R&D cost in different areas (policies in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and others)
4) The Fiscal Subsidies Management of High and New Technology Company
● The property definition of high and new technology company
● The no taxable condition of fiscal subsidies
● The limitation and management of expense deduction of fiscal subsidies
16:30 Q&A
17:00 End
※ 高新技术企业认定管理办法
※ 高新技术企业认定办事指南
※ 国家税务总局2014年63号文:关于发布《中华人民共和国企业所得税年度纳税申报表(A类,2014年版)》的公告
※ 中华人民共和国科学技术部:国务院印发关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革方案的通知
※ 国务院关于国家重大科研基础设施和大型科研仪器向社会开放的意见
※ 北京市成立科技成果转化引导基金与高价科技成果转化引导紧紧联动推进科技成果转化
※ 2014年8月15日Workshop高科技企业系列活动-2014年高新新变化科委审批意见&企业资质维持
※ 2014年1月16日高新技术企业与研发费加计扣除的综合操作解析
※ 2013年5月23日高新技术企业复审与资质维护专题解析
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