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服务热线:400-820-2536 |
1. 我们公司以前不成熟的时候财务部门一些职能外包了出去,现在随着公司的发展又将业务回收回来,但是并非是像其他成熟企业的那种财务共享中心的模式。外包的应该也是一些非核心的业务,对于报表和分析,企业应该是留在内部自己做的。不晓得speaker具体外包出去的是哪些业务呢?也非常希望能进行学习!
2. 听说speaker进行了AR的外包,感觉AR这块不是特别好控制,不晓得关于逾期货款这一块speaker是自己做的还是也外包了呢?
3. 对于发票业务的外包,开票的话,基于中国目前造假的这么多,这块的业务不太敢做,由于税务机关发票查的很严这块也不敢轻易的放出去。不晓得这块如何操作,其中有什么风险呢?
国内知名快消企业 事业部财务总监
Speaker拥有国有大型制造业5年核算经验、国内著名IT 企业(香港上市公司)5年管理经验及国内知名快销企业10年管理经验。 同时是中央财经大学管理会计学院研究生学院的客座导师。拥有英国管理注册会计师 CIMA ,全球特许管理会计师 CGMA, 澳大利亚注册会计师(CPA Australia) 等专业证书。
我们公司AP, AR, 发票和税务的外包业务目前做的比较完整,其中AP做的比较早。通过外包,我们将财务成本降低到原来的60%,而且节约了20人的办公空间和管理成本!
14:00 企业财务外包案例分享
1) 我们企业对于财务外包的客观需求
2) 外包业务的选择及实施策略
3) 切身感触:财务外包与传统模式的财务管理模式——优势对比&成本分析
1) 合同和协议中需要约定哪些内容?
2) 如何制定外包商的KPI?
3) 企业本身如何做好内部协调,怎样进行更好的工作衔接?
4) 公司内部如何应对相关技能的弱化?
15:15 互动答疑
15:30 活动结束
Key Value:
CFO of IBM once said: “ Informatization, business process outsourcing and shared service are the three keys to reduce cost for a modern company!” During the sharing time, the speaker will give you the idea of finance outing and show you a new way to a new-year strategy!
Peer Confusion:
1. When our company is not mature, we outsourced some jobs of FD, but now we get them back with the growing of our company. And it is not like the shared center system. In my opinion, the company can outsource some business with low value, but for some something like data analysis, the company will keep it inside the company. So I am curious what kind of job which the speaker outsources and I’d like to learn!
2. I heard that the speaker outsources AR so I’ve been thinking, do they outsource the overdue payment or not? Because it is really hard to control the AR job !
3. For the outsourcing of invoice, I am really worried about the risks since there are so may fake invoices in China.
Speaker’s Viewpoint:
Now we outsource the job of AP, AR, invoice as well as tax, and the AP outsourcing is the first one we tried. Through outsourcing, we cut down the cost to the 60% of before as well as the office room and management cost of 20 persons!
14:00 Case Sharing
1) Objective needs of our company
2) The choice and strategy of outsourcing
3) Finance Outsourcing VS Traditional Finance Management(Cost Analysis and advantage comparison)
14:30 Operation Tips—Difficulties and risk management of finance outsourcing
1) Contract details
2) The KPI of outsourcer
3) Internal coordination
4) The management of weaken skills when they are outsourced
15:15 Q&A
15:30 End
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