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服务热线:400-820-2536 |
1. 企业与个人、境内与境外,系统梳理不同形式的借贷及相关的纳税义务。
2. 用情景说话,通过企业实操的情景来讲解借贷中的税收风险防范与纳税筹划
一. 与银行签订的透支协议
二. 企业同个人签订借款协议
情景一: 公司将本金和利息一并归还给员工,由于员工自身无法开具发票,可否个人签署资金收据提供给公司作为入账凭证?
情景二: 向个人支付的“借款利息”和补偿未按期归还本金产生的“滞纳金”,公司是否有义务为个人代扣代缴个人所得税?若没有代缴个税,个人是否需要按照20%的税率向其户籍所在税务局自行申报缴纳个税?
1) 我们应该如何缴纳印花税,是按最高限额来交?还是按累计的借款额来交?
2) 一次性交还是一年交一次?
3) 如果没有及时缴纳有没有罚则和滞纳金?
1) 由贷款方交还是借款方交?还是双方都要交?
2) 计税基础是贷出款的金额还是额度?
3) 如计税基础为金额,由于资金池每天余额变动,是按月平均还是按月底余额来计算交纳?
14:00 不同形式的借款及纳税义务梳理
14:15 倾听企业的声音,从问题中出发——借款费用的重点涉税常见问题详解(问题详见同行困惑)
1. 与银行签订的透支协议
2. 企业同个人签订借款协议
3. 关联企业之间借款利息支出
4. 与非居民企业之间借款
5. 资金池协议涉及的借款涉税问题
15:15 互动答疑
15:30 活动结束
Key Value Points:
1. Enterprise and stuff, domestic and overseas, speaker will help you handle the tax of different types of debit and credit.
2. Analysis tax risks and make tax planning in the real circumstances.
Peer Confusion:
1. Overdraft arrangement made with bank
Circumstance: Our company made an overdraft arrangement with bank and specify the overdraft limit as well as the interest rate. We can count the interest according to the number of overdrawn days. Is this kind of contract subjected to the loan contract in stamp duty law? If we need to pay for the stamp tax, what is the tax base, overdraft limit, average balance or the highest overdraft limit?
2. Loan contract signed with staffs
Circumstance 1: Our company paid the principle and interest back to the staff, but they can’t offer invoice to the company. So if our staffs give us the capital receipt, can we use it as a voucher to enter an item in our account?
Circumstance 2: The money of loan interest and overdue fine paid for individual, do the company need to pay individual income tax for them? If the company didn't do this, does the one need to pay the individual tax according to the 20% of tax rate?
3. Loan interest expense between affiliated enterprises
Circumstance 1: Do the companies need to invoice if they are facilitated and what is the content of the invoice? What is the stipulation according to the tax law?
Circumstance 2: Company A provides a short-term borrowing to company B, and they agree to pay the interest every quarter. But the company B is always in financial difficulty so can’t pay for the interest. So does company A need to pay for the business tax every quarter even they didn’t get the money? The business tax should be calculated according to the interest or loan amount? What is the tax rate?
Circumstance 3: According to chapter 9 of China tax issue number 2 of 2009, if we have paid-up capital 8 million, capital reserve 1.5million and surplus reserve 0.5 million, together is 10 million. And we also have undistributed profit of 5 million. So the interest expense can be disbursed before taxes in facilitated companies should be 30 million ( (10+5)*2=30), is this right? If the company mentioned before is domestic with the tax rate of 20%, and ours is 25%, does the part of 5% can be disbursed or not?
Circumstance 4: The company of us has some reimbursed expenses for other companies and we don’t have buying and selling. So does this kind of behavior have any tax risk? Will the tax bureau charge us business tax and income tax?
4. Loan with company overseas
Circumstance 1: we are a company overseas and we have borrowing money in a bank established in Hongkong and a French company tender guarantee for us. So now we need to pay the French company for the guarantee fee. Do we need to withhold and remit tax or not?
Circumstance 2: If the domestic company offered mandated loan to company overseas through bank, do we need to pay 5% business tax for the interest we earned?
5. Taxation problems of loan related to cash pool
Circumstance 1: our company and our facilitated company made an arrangement with a bank, and the overdraft limit is 450 million. Any time we need money we can overdraft from the cash pool and repay the money immediately. So far the accumulative total overdraft didn’t break the limit, so:
1) How to pay the stamp tax, according to the highest limit or accumulative total overdraft?
2) What is the frequency, one time or every year?
3) If we don't pay immediately, do we need to pay for the penalty and overdue fine?
Circumstance 2: do we need to pay the stamp tax if we loan money to facilitated company through cash pool?
1) Who should pay the money, lenders, borrowers or both?
2) Tax base should be the loan amount or cash pool limit?
3) If the tax base is the amount of money, as the balance of cash pool changes every day, do we need to calculate according to monthly average or the monthly remain?
14:00 Different types of loan and the related obligation of tax
There are several types of loan, including financing institution loan, non-financial business loan and loan between enterprise and individuals. Some of them are the loan between multinational companies, or even related to the tax obligation overseas. In this part, speaker will summarize the tax obligations of different types of loan.
14:15 Listen to the voice from companies—the key point of loan
1. Overdraft arrangement made with bank
2. Loan contract signed with staffs
3. Loan interest expense between affiliated enterprises
4. Loan with company overseas
5. Taxation problems of loan related to cash pool
15:15 Q&A
15:30 End
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